An investigation into the science, spirit and art of POSSIBILITY. Because in this time of increasing climate chaos, systems failures and the accompanying personal overwhelm and despair, don’t we all need a little more possibility?

In this show scientist & healer Sarah Knight explores possibilities for life and living, as well as the nature of human possibility itself, with guests from across the fields of science, creativity, spirituality, activism, urban planning, philosophy, and more.

Can we find alignment with the highest personal and collective possibilities for navigating this time of tremendous change? If so...who knows what might be possible!

31: Beyond the Anxiety and Into the Wonder of NOT KNOWING, with Prof. Vlad Glăveanu
32: Wonder for Shaking Things Up and Waking Us Up! with David Mattson
33: Cultivating Serendipity in the Space Between You and the World, with Dr. Wendy Ross
34: Thing Power! Co-Creating With Your Environment, with Prof. Pamela Burnard
35: Affective Encounters of the Other-Than-Human Kind, with Dr. Lena Gan & David Mattson
36: COMING SOON In Conversation with Dr. Vicky Karaiskou, UNESCO Chairholder on “Visual Anticipation and Futures Literacy towards Visual Literacy”

Sarah Knight;