Displaying 1 - 30 of 36 in total

Escaping the Visuality Trap: Seeing Beyond What We've Been Taught to See. Episode 36 (Possibility Studies Network Series)

"We have the need to be a part of a group. This is human. But it is different - belonging vs fitting it. We can belong, but if we fit in we cut off parts of ourselves....

Affective Encounters of the Other-Than-Human Kind. Episode 35 (Possibility Studies Network Series)

Yes, the Other-Than-Humans that we share the world with are always acting on us! In fact, it seems that our connection to our own lives arises out of how we are affect...

Thing Power! Co-Creating With Your Environment. Episode 34 (Possibility Studies Network Series)

Creativity is generally seen as something that humans do to the things in their environment. But what if creativity is really a process where every thing in the enviro...

Cultivating Serendipity in the Space Between You and the World. Episode 33 (Possibility Studies Network Series)

Who doesn't love a happy accident!? Serendipity is the unexpected thing that happens in the space between you and the world, that you have the ability to notice and ta...

Wonder for Shaking Things Up and Waking Us Up! Episode 32 (Possibility Studies Network Series)

"An encounter with wonder leaves us with something to wrestle with" In this conversation with David Mattson of Drexel University, he shares his insights on the phenome...

Beyond the Anxiety and Into the Wonder of NOT KNOWING. Episode 31 (Possibility Studies Network Series)

"The world is not just the way that we think it is." Questioning assumptions can be anxiety provoking, but possibility lives in the realm of what we don't know yet. In...

A Win-Win Situation? Nature Needs A Circular Economy

Paul Shorthouse of Circular Economy Leadership Canada gives the lowdown on how to reduce, eliminate, reuse or recover up to 50% of the carbon currently lost as waste i...

Constellating Possibility: An Archetypal Approach. Possibility Podcast Session 29

How to put possibility at the center of an exploration into possibility? Simple...ask the archetypes! Working through the lens of an archetypal understanding of self, ...

Crossing Thresholds at Samhain To Meet The "Shadow"

Samhain on October 31st marks the Celtic New Year, and is a time where the veils between the worlds are said to be the thinnest. What does this mean for our outer expe...

The Field: In Conversation with Megan Sirett, Akashic Records Reader. Possibility Podcast Session 27

We are each immersed in personal, collective and universal energetic fields, but what are these fields anyway and how do people work with them for the purposes of heal...

Celebrating 100 Years of Reiki, A Talk and Guided Healing Journey. Possibility Podcast Session 26

April 2022 marks the 100 year anniversary of the (re)introduction of Reiki by Mikao Usui into our conscious human experience. That this healing ray has gone from being...

From the Tyranny of Boys to the Strength of Men. Possibility Podcast Session 25

Worldwide so many of our systems are failing us in so many ways. Many blame the patriarchy and are eager for a new way of being in the world to come forward. Host Sara...

Communication, Healing, Quantum Science, and Interconnectedness: In Conversation with Lisa Sabatini. Possibility Podcast Session 24

In this interview two former communications specialists turned energy medicine women have a conversation that spans the worlds of science, healing, spirit, nature, and...

Leaving Land for Nature's Sake. Possibility Podcast Session 23

Societal needs for housing, transport and energy supply, combined with the economic growth model on which our consumerism driven market is based, can mean that the nec...

Indigenous Involvement and Leadership for Climate Solutions. Possibility Podcast Session 22

What if a solution to both actively addressing treaty relationships AND actively addressing climate change existed? In this episode, host Sarah Knight chats to Mary Ka...

Grieving for the World? How the Ancient Indian Science of Ayurveda can Help. Possibility Podcast Session 21

How can we allow for the tremendous force of grief to move through us so that we can continue to be who we need to be in the world, where so much is changing so quickl...

Seeing the World Through Non-Human Eyes with Susan Eirich, Possibility Podcast Session 20

How much could we learn from all of the non-human beings that inhabit this planet with us? In this episode, host Sarah Knight talks to spiritual ecologist Dr. Susan B....

Find Your Friggin' Joy! Possibility Podcast Session 19

Can we overcome major personal trauma and find the friggin’ joy again? Healer and Author Belinda Farrell says YES. In this interview with host Sarah Knight, Belinda sh...

COVID-19: A Chance to Stop, and Heal? Possibility Podcast Session 18

Is there a collective opportunity in the COVID-19 induced global shut-down? Can we hold on to the “urgency” that is being generated right now to create the lasting cha...

Cloughjordan EcoVillage: Building Community, Sustainability and Resiliency. Possibility Podcast Session 17

Is the community level the most suitable one for us to take action towards a better, more sustainable future? Davie Philip, founding member of Cloughjordan EcoVillage ...

Your True Voice. Possibility Podcast Session 16

Host Sarah Knight reflects on her journey into a year of possibilities, and shares her insights on the significant role of healing work in supporting the forward progr...

Purpose, Destiny and The Law of Attraction. Possibility Podcast Session 15

Have we created our climate crisis and how can we attract the future that we want, and need, to create? Host Sarah Knight talks the power of the Law of Attraction with...

Creating Meaning, Memories and Happiness with Meik Wiking. Possibility Podcast Session 14.

Host Sarah Knight talks happiness, meaning and memories with Happiness Research Institute CEO and internationally bestselling author, Meik Wiking. Meik is one of today...

She Speaks for the Trees, with Diana Beresford-Kroeger. Possibility Podcast Session 13

Host Sarah Knight talks trees with world renowned Canadian botanist, biochemist, visionary, and truly “renegade scientist”, Diana Beresford-Kroeger. Diana’s new book “...

Wake Up and Go WildX! Possibility Podcast Session 12

Host Sarah Knight discusses our climate crisis, and our apparent apathy and confusion, with filmmaker, journalist and WildX co-organizer Albert Nerenberg. In the makin...

Planning Cities With Compassion, For Connection. Possibility Podcast Session 11

Host Sarah Knight discusses the role of connection and compassion in planning how we live and build, with Prof. Leela Viswanathan of the Department of Geography and Pl...

Facing the Science of our Climate Crisis. Possiblity Podcast Session 10

Host Sarah Knight provides a short update on the science of our climate crisis, following on from her participation at a major international earth science congress. Sh...

From Apathy to Action - A Teen's Urgent Message. Possibility Podcast Session 9

Host Sarah Knight chats to 17-year old Alayna Antoine, as she shares her frustrations, fury, ideas, dreams, and tears. Alayna is passionate about the environment, and ...

Love: The Only Way Forward? Possibility Podcast Session 8

Host Sarah Knight discusses the energy of our climate crisis, and how this collective crisis is a reflection of a much more individual one, with international healer a...

As Within, So Without: The Power of Our Inner World. Possibility Podcast Session 7

Host Sarah Knight discusses how the stories that we hold inside keep us separate from each other, our environment, and even ourselves, with Shamanic Practitioner Miche...

Sarah Knight; www.humhealing.com