Grieving for the World? How the Ancient Indian Science of Ayurveda can Help. Possibility Podcast Session 21
How can we allow for the tremendous force of grief to move through us so that we can continue to be who we need to be in the world, where so much is changing so quickly? Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, Yoga Teacher Trainer, and Owner and Founder of Janati Yoga School in Kingston Ontario, Mona Warner, shares with host Sarah Knight how the ancient practice of Ayurveda can support us in our efforts to be the space we need to be, to help us feel the feelings we need to feel, so that we can keep on putting one foot in front of the other, at a time in history when the world really needs us to be ready for action. Mona is the author of three recent publications: Ayurvedic Yoga: 3 Approaches to Teaching Ayurvedic Yoga, Ayurveda's Three Pillars of Health: A Map to Health, Resilience, and Well-Being, and the Grief and Ayurveda Workbook.
More on the Grief and Ayurveda workbook here:
Mona’s podcast Confessions of Inappropriate Yoga Teachers on Patreon here: