
We humans need possibility.

At first this podcast was my response to my own despair over the decades of lack of adequate response to the very real threat of climate change. I needed to know the possibilities for how we all might be able to participate in life and living in a different way so that we might avert total ecological catastrophe. At the time, it was a good way for me to channel the energy of my frustration and that of the great fire of my love for this earth into something productive.

But over time it started to feel like I was just concentrating my energy around a very small set of my own opinions and attachments, and that to really engage with possibility I needed to ease up with the lase-like focus on what I thought was the "right" way forward. And then, some time in 2022, I landed square in the middle of an obsession with POSSIBILITY. The energy of possibility. The science of possibility. The practice of possibility. So that so much more might be possible!

My name is Sarah Knight. I hold a PhD in oceanography, and spent many years working as an environmental educator and communicator in Ireland. Now based in Canada, my career is now in the art of healing, and I work with people individually and in groups in support of them dealing with their own backlog of stress and trauma. I do this for the same reason as I pursued a career in science communication, only now with the understanding that the change “out there” begins with the change “in here”.

I hope that you will join me in this exploration of what might be possible, should we manage to get out of our own way and build something new together from a place of real possibility.

W humhealing.com. FB sarahknightlight

Sarah Knight; www.humhealing.com